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Live chat is available during business hours, 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday. Please get in touch with us through Contact Us and one of our recruiters will reply within 1 business day.
We are an experienced IT recruitment agency, providing professional services for both UK Companies looking for talented staff and candidates looking for job opportunities in IT, Engineering, Business and Financial Management. If you are a UK Company with specialist openings we can help, our experienced consultants are experts across multiple high-tech and financial industry sectors, with access to a pool of talented and professional individuals.
We carefully vet and review all received CVs to find the most experienced and talented candidates on behalf of our registered companies. Once a match is confirmed, we communicate with honesty and openness on behalf of both parties. Only if a candidate closely matches a company's job description and fulfils all requested requirements will we pass on the candidate's details and CV, allowing the company to accept or reject an interview opportunity.
Why use Pelago IT Recruitment Agency?
Our placement charge is one of the lowest in the specialist recruitment industry, instead of the usual 20% to 30% other IT recruitment agencies charge, we charge a one-time fee of 10% of the hiring salary, which is only charged if a candidate is successful and has taken up the position and has been employed by the hiring company for more than 5 weeks.
Want to know more, contact our support team at support@pelago.co.uk
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Registered jobseekers can apply for jobs & will be requested to upload a CV
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Pelago is a proactive engineering and IT recruitment agency, with knowledgeable and experienced consultants awaiting your contact. We are adept at progressing candidates through the application and interview process. We clearly and concisely communicate with both parties to develop and enhance their ultimate requirements and requests. On behalf of the companies we work for, our focus and commitment are on finding ideally suited candidates, in a timely and supportive manner.
Discover how pelago job agency has empowered clientele to reach their goals. Their feedback speaks volumes about our dedication to quality & satisfaction. Explore our reviews from Companies and Job-Seekers to see how we've facilitated successful matches and contributed to career and business growth. Having helped fill positions for IT Jobs, Engineering Jobs, Jobs in Finance and Medical Engineering Jobs.
Chat Support Offline!
Live chat is available during business hours, 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday. Please get in touch with us through Contact Us and one of our recruiters will reply within 1 business day.